
The Reverso is designed to reverse arterial and venous blood flow direction during hemodialysis without disconnecting the bloodlines.


  • Reversing blood flow requires a simple one-quarter clamp rotation
  • Correct alignment can be verified visually
  • Flow reversal can be repeated as often as needed


  • Reduces the risk of touch contamination
  • Blood pump remains on during treatment, reducing clotting risks
  • Clear tubing allows staff to visually observe any change in blood color

Potential uses of Reverso are:

  • To facilitate common diagnostic procedures where blood flow reversal is required
  • To improve blood flow in central venous or femoral catheters with patency issues

"We all know the catheter patients who require flow reversal. Reverso lets us easily reverse blood flow without having to disconnect the bloodline. Reverso is easier for our staff, but, more importantly, safer for our patients." – Customer

For information on how you can order Reverso, talk to your distributor or speak with your local Representative.

  • For more information call 1-800-369-6334 or fill out the form to speak to an expert.